
Medium –sized cities integrated urban development project. Consulting services for the preparation of detailed design, bidding documents , and construction supervision for restoration and adaptive reuse of the Emir Palace and selected cultural heritage assents in Kagan

10.08.2022 - 30.12.2023


Overall project value (EUR)
No. of staff provided
Name of ClientMinistry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Financing agencyWorld bank
Name of partnersPPM (Bulgaria), MC (Austria)
Detailed Narrative Description of Project

The project objective is to provide the support  to the Government of Uzbekistan (GoU) to: (a) enhance livability in targeted medium-size cities by improving selected urban infrastructure, public spaces and access to services; and (b) strengthen institutional capacity of the respective local authorities.

 The Project is composed of the following components:

Component 1: Improvement of Urban Services and Enhancement of Public Urban Spaces. This component will include two subcomponents:

Subcomponent 1.A: Urban Upgrading and Subcomponent 1.B: Complementary Basic Urban Infrastructure and Services Improvements and will support a series of investments: civil works in street upgrading, recreational services like parks and other public spaces improvements, intra city transport, social, drainage, water supply system, solid waste management, upgrading of hospitals and schools. 

Component 2: Institutional Strengthening, Capacity Building and Technical Assistance Support to the National Medium-Size Cities Program. This will include two subcomponents: Subcomponent 2.A: Institutional strengthening and capacity building. Will consist of activities targeting project cities and local government agencies, tailored to their specific needs.

Subcomponent 2.B: Support to the National Medium-Size Cities Program. Will support the design at country level of the NMSCP for all participating cities and agencies, and preparation of its roll-out phase.

Component 3: Implementation Support. This component will support project implementation, including maintenance of the Project monitoring and evaluation system

Project environmental category.


Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided

The overall scope and objectives of the project include preparation of detailed designs for the restoration, adaptive reuse and provision of construction supervision services for a number of selected heritage assets of Kagan city.

The project covers several following cultural heritage sites embedded into the list of National Archeological Assets: Emir Palace, Bank, Library of Kagan city, General School, Post Office Building, Synagogue and  Military headquarters.

As a part of the project,the Consultant implements the following tasks:

  •  Analysis, preparation of Detailed Designs and Bidding Documents;
  •  Construction Supervision Services;
  •  Contribution to the detailed assessment and description of the current condition of the building and its territory;
  •  Urban and Territorial placement/ plan and surveys;
  •  Social, Environmental and Cultural Heritage Safeguard Screening;
  •  Scoping recommendations for restoration and parliamentary cost estimates;
  •  Preparation of Detailed Design and Input for Bidding Documents in the assigned areas;