
Programme Implementation of the EU Investment Facility for Central Asia (IFCA "Agrofinancing of value added chains"

04.03.2023 - 30.05.2027


Overall project value (EUR)3 941 260 EUR
No. of staff provided
Name of ClientKfW
Financing agencyEU/EIB
Name of partnersAFC (Germany) ADG
Detailed Narrative Description of Project

The Programme “Value Chain Agro-Finance” aims at introducing value chain finance in the Kyrgyz Republic. This is to contribute to economic growth and the creation of employment and incomes, particularly in rural areas of the country.

Within the framework of this programme there are various project components:

 1) One of these components is a refinancing component according to which KfW and EIB will provide indirect refinancing to selected financial institutions. This refinancing component shall enhance agri-food value chain competitiveness by increasing the availability of long-term finance (>3 years) in local currency for agricultural equipment and machinery (investment loans). Working capital finance will be provided to various actors within the selected value chains across the Kyrgyz Republic.

 2) Another component within this programme shall be EUR 5 million provided by the EU Investment Facility for Central Asia (IFCA) to enhance agricultural production and quality, the EU-IFCA Component. The consulting services required in this tender and addressed in detail in the following sections shall be rendered within the framework of this EU-IFCA Component:

  • Contribute to establishing best agricultural practices (including increased resource efficiency and environmental issues) in primary production;
  • Support the introduction of best available technologies for processing and distribution in the agri-food sector;
  • Support the implementation of international certification systems leading to improvements in environmental and sanitary standards and practices in the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Support strengthening of successful value chains and integrate farmers into these value chains.
Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided

- Development of a communication strategy (products, audiences, messages, media);

- Delivery of launch and on-going awareness events;

- Development and dissemination of materials (website, social media, print outs etc.)

- Training of final beneficiaries in business planning and credit applications;

- Identification of target groups in 5 value chains;

- Development of training programs;

- Delivery of training programs to the target groups in the 5 value chains;

- Promote sound agricultural technologies, good agricultural practice and provision of post-harvest training for primary producers including small holder farmers within in the 5 value chains;

- Identification and dissemination of information on improved technologies in which final beneficiaries can invest;

-Training on crop production, resource efficiency (e.g. soil and water use), crop rotation and irrigation techniques;

-Training on international best practices regarding environmental and social standards as well as animal protection welfare;

-Training on improvement possibilities of post-harvest handling and processing practices;

- Train processors, distributers and testing laboratories in the 10 selected value chains;

- Develop process improvement recommendations for the target entities;

- Monitor the implementation of process improvement recommendations

- Assessment of testing laboratories’ and processors’ rehabilitation and equipment needs in 10 selected value chains;

- Identification and dissemination of information on improved technologies;

- Identification of testing laboratories and processors among government owned laboratories;

- Assessment of the rehabilitation and equipment needs of the identified laboratories and processors;

- Preparation of a budget comprising rehabilitation cost and cost of equipment procurement;

- Establishment of operational and control procedures;

- Preparation of all documentation required.