
Facilitation of Transport Cooperation among Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Countries (ADB TA 6294 REG)

01.06.2006 - 30.11.2006

Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan

Overall project value (EUR)N/A
No. of staff provided7
Name of ClientN/A
Financing agencyAsian Development Bank (ADB)
Name of partnersDainichi Consultant Inc., Japan
Detailed Narrative Description of Project

The objective of the TA aimed to improve transport cooperation between CAREC countries and to achieve sustainable regional economic development. The TA resulted in: (i) Functioning the Transport Sector Coordinating Committee (TSCC) as effective mechanism for planning, coordinating and monitoring the cooperation activities in transport area between CAREC countries; (ii) collection and analysis of data and information for development of three regional transport corridors (Bishkek – Torugart – Kashi road, Oibek – Pungan road and Angren – Gulistan road) to strengthen transport and economic linkages between CAREC countries.

Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided

The key activities included (a) undertaking field surveys; (b) analyzing data and information collected from field surveys and other sources to assess technical feasibility (c) carrying out social, poverty and gender impact analysis, economic and financial analysis, and environmental impact assessments; (d) undertaking an analysis of cross-border issues; (e) holding public consultations; and (f) preparing a pre-feasibility study report on developing and improving the selected corridors comprising of engineering assessment, economic assessment, environmental assessment, social and poverty analysis and cross-border facilities analysis.