
Market and value chain analysis studies in the target areas of the project «Additional funding under the third rural investment project (Covid-19 response)»

01.05.2022 - 30.10.2022


Overall project value (EUR)58,700 EUR
No. of staff provided
Name of ClientARIS
Financing agencyWorld bank (MAP)
Name of partners
Detailed Narrative Description of Project

The objective of the project was to collect available data to determine demand in the national, regional and local markets in the areas covered by the Project. The Company determined which data is out of date due to changes in the economy caused by COVID-19 and collected relevant, current data to update these estimates. The company analyzed the VC gaps for the sectors and sub-sectors that have the greatest potential to generate profits in the post-COVID-19 economy. This may require the collection of primary data. In this case, this analysis will be done at the regional and district level. This analysis aims to provide information on the VCs that may provide the best opportunities to generate income streams for the target beneficiaries.

Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided
  • Identification of active participants in the VC, assessment of support services and functions in each VC;
  • Conducting a functional analysis of each direction in the chain;
  • Analytical review of relevant development activities in selected value chains for each district;
  • Carrying out mapping at the district level;
  • Identification and selection of potential areas for creating productive partnerships in the VC, including potential opportunities in both external and internal markets;
  • Analysis of the VC for the possible creation/development of productive partnerships for each area;
  • Analysis of information on market requirements (both internal and external);
  • Identifying constraints and barriers that need to be addressed to enable the development of value chains and create productive partnerships.