
Oshelectro and Vostokelectro Rehabilitation Projects - Project Implementation Support

01.03.2019 - 31.03.2021


Overall project value (EUR)
No. of staff provided
Name of ClientOshelectro and Vostokelectro
Financing agencyEBRD
Name of partnersCESI S.p.A. (Italy)
Detailed Narrative Description of Project

The projects to be financed by the Bank consist of the following components:

  • Rehabilitation of low and medium voltage networks, including lines and substations, constructed about forty years ago. The high priority objective is to improve the quality and reliability of electricity supply to the end consumers.
  • Supply and installation of an automated system for protection of distribution network and substations.

Supply of new network meters and SCADA as well as a number of new consumers “smart meters” and related hardware and software systems. International experience shows that rehabilitating distribution networks and improving metering arrangements is one of the fastest and most cost-effective methods of reducing losses and improving collection rates. These measures in turn stimulate energy efficiency. Further improvement in bill collection will also be permitted due to firm implementation of payment discipline and remote disconnection features.

Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided

Consultant would perform the following tasks:

Task 1 – Project Preparation Phase

(a)           Development of PIU operating procedures;

(b)           Support during the procurement process;

(c)           Support during the evaluation process;

(d)           Support during contract finalisation.

Task 2 – Project Implementation Phase

(a)           Assistance in site supervision, monitoring and reporting;

(b)           Testing, Commissioning and Operational Acceptance;

(c)           Environmental and Social Action Plan;

(d)           Knowledge transfer to Client.

Task 3 – Project Completion

(a)           Project completion report