01.08.2003 - 30.12.2004
Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan
Overall project value (EUR) | USD 90000 Euro |
No. of staff provided | 20 |
Name of Client | EU TACIS |
Financing agency | N/A |
Name of partners | Mott MacDonald Ltd., UK ARCADIS Euroconsult BV Electrite de France, France |
Detailed Narrative Description of Project | The objectives of this contract are as follows:
- To establish and support ‘catchment based’ integrated water resource planning and management bodies in pilot transboundary areas - To optimise water allocation & demands for planning horizons of five and subsequent ten years. The resource planning and management will take account of the national development strategies, such as that enunciated in “Kazakhstan 2030”. - To reduce water logging and land degradation through coupled management of shallow ground water and surface water, including management of irrigation water. - To develop conjunctive use of shallow and deep groundwater with surface water resources for drought alleviation; - Within pilot transboundary areas, to analyse the provisions of Agreement no.1 and Agreement no.4, developed in the course of WARMAP II, and to extend the achievements of WUFMAS. |
Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided | The consultant is expected to provide prepare following outputs:
- A water resource inventory for the priority catchments; - A report on the hydrometrics network, current and future needs; - A demand forecast for the priority catchments, taking account of national economic development plans for five years and ten years; - A report on resources development and management options in the two pilot sub catchment areas, which will address environmental sustainability, biodiversity and aquatic ecology issues. - A detailed five year, and more general ten year, resources management strategy will be developed and agreed with the BVOs, providing the BVOs with fifteen year operational vision. The fifteen year vision will be described in a Strategy Note. Relating to sharing of international waters the concept of sharing the “benefits of water” rather than the water itself will be explored. - Implementing improved water resource planning methodologies and approaches. - A further analyses of the legal framework of the BVOs in the Basin States will be conducted. - The consultant develop a strategy for the continued operation of the territorial units. |