
Support to Public Finance Management in the Kyrgyz Republic: EuropeAid/123762/C/SER/KG

03.09.2007 - 26.02.2009


Overall project value (EUR)900000
No. of staff provided3
Name of ClientEuropean Commission
Financing agencyEuropean Commission (EC)
Name of partnersHuman Dynamics, Austria ICML
Detailed Narrative Description of ProjectThe purpose of this contract is to provide technical assistance, training, and infrastructural support for three target agencies: the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), the Ministry of Labour and Social Development (MoLSD)
- Consolidation and improvement of Medium Term Budget Framework (MTBF) process;
- Introduction of performance elements in the annual budget planning of MoA and MoLSD with a purpose of demonstrating;
- Introduction of modern costing techniques in the programs of the MoA that required improvements;
- Adoption of the Budget Information System (BIS) espoused by the MOF by the Budget Departments of two ministries.
Detailed Narrative Description of Services providedThe purpose of this contract is to provide technical assistance, training, and infrastructural support for three target agencies: the MOA, the MoLSD