
Sustainable Livelihood for Livestock Producing Communities

01.12.2001 - 30.12.2005


Overall project value (EUR)5000000 EURO
No. of staff provided20
Name of ClientDepartment for International Development (DFID)
Financing agencyThe Department for International Development (DFID)
Name of partnersHTS Development, UK; Scanagri, Denmark, Sweden; ODG, UK
Detailed Narrative Description of ProjectThe project was aimed at promoting sustainable livelihoods for rural citizens in the Kyrgyz Republic, which would contribute to a reduction in rural poverty and reduction of rural out-migration. The purpose of the project was to create coping strategies and income generation activities which could be exploited in a sustainable basis by livestock producing communities.
Detailed Narrative Description of Services providedThis included:
1) identification of mechanisms for the development and support of sustainable income generation in livestock, crops and off-farm business;
2) improvement of assess to services for small scale rural producers (i.e. access to advise, training, inputs, transport, markets and market information, work with water users associations
3) development of local capacity to support livelihood and community development initiatives;
4) improvement of capacity of community groups and organisations;
5) dissemination of information to other donors, government, other NGOs at oblast and national level.