
Central Asia Regional HIV/AIDS Project Design Phase

01.11.2004 - 28.02.2005

Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan

Overall project value (EUR)N/A
No. of staff provided6
Name of ClientMinistry of Health of Kyrgyz Republic
Financing agencyThe Department for International Development (DFID)
Name of partnersGRM (UK); EPOS (Germany); Soros Foundation (Kyrgyzstan); Counterpart Consortium (Uzbekistan); OPI (Tajikistan)
Detailed Narrative Description of Project

The purpose of the DFID Central Asia regional HIV/AIDS project was to ensure effective implementation of comprehensive national HIV/AIDS programmes focusing on prevention, specifically harm reduction activities, and support in achieving the UN\'s \"three-ones\" strategy. The DFID project supported both an enhanced regional response to HIV/AIDS in Central Asia, as well as specific support to the national programmes in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. This support was over four years (2004-2008). It: (i) provided flexible and responsive TA supporting a harmonised approach in the region supporting the UN principles of one national body, one national programme and one national monitoring system; (ii) directly supported the implementation of national harm reduction programmes building on the capacity of civil society and national systems (in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan); and (iii) liaised effectively with the World Bank on design and implementation of their regional programme, ensuring alignment of efforts in relation to DFID\'s project. There was a 3-month design phase followed by an implementation phase.

Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided

DFID Programme Design including Logical Framework Matrix, Implementation Plan and Cost Schedule; Official Memo from the Heads of National AIDS Programmes confirming commitment to the DFID Programme Design; Programme Memorandum- Rapid institutional capacity assessment of key national organisations with responsibility for NAP implementation; Development of engagement Strategy and Communication Protocol; Development of IEC/Behaviour Change Strategy.