
ADB TA №. 3617 –TAJ (TAR: 33184-01): Improving Aid Coordination & External Debt Management

01.01.2003 - 31.08.2003


Overall project value (EUR)10 586 USD
No. of staff provided3 Domestic consultants
Name of ClientTeamWork International Consultants Pte Ltd.,
Financing agencyAsian Development Bank (ADB), N/A
Name of partnersTEAMWORK International Consultants
Detailed Narrative Description of ProjectThe TA aimed to strengthen the institutional capacity of Government to: Improve aid coordination; Improve External Debt Management.
Aid Coordination Component
Design & implement appropriate Org. Structure for ACD;
Evaluate equipment and upgrade if necessary;
Develop training program for staff;
Develop & implement transparent aid Coord. system & procedures. Should include gathering and disseminating information, reporting, planning and monitoring;
Train staff on systems and procedures and management & coordination of aid;
Provide English Language training for staff;
Evaluate previous aid management database (currently in disarray)
Develop & implement new aid coordination database – compatible to link to Public Investment Project;
Train staff in data entry and DB management.
External Debt Management Component
Complete needs assessment including:
appropriateness of existing org structure;
evaluation of current communication equipment & computer hard/software
staff training requirements and develop a training program dependant on technical upgrades;
need for and role of a secretariat to support Inter ministerial Commission on External Borrowing.
Detailed Narrative Description of Services providedAid Coordination
Continue training & capacity building activities;
Establish institutional linkage between Aid, PIP and budget;
Generate and institutionalise annual Foreign Aid Report;
Regularise process of CGM with international donors
External Debt Management
Implement training program; including:
Use and maintenance of new equipment and software;
Analysis of policy issues;
Debt Mangt. Strategies;
Debt Restructuring
Debt Rescheduling;
English Language training.