
B-Brussels: TACIS - Strengthening the Comprehensive Development Framework (CDF) Implementation in the Kyrgyz Republic – Phase I EUROPEAID/113739/C/SV/KG.

01.01.2003 - 29.07.2005


Overall project value (EUR)750 000 EURO 975 000 USD
No. of staff provided9
Name of ClientThe Presidential Administration
Financing agencyEuropean Commission (EC)
Name of partnersBritish Council, UK; IBF International Consulting, Belgium
Detailed Narrative Description of ProjectThe overall objective of this project was to contribute to the efficient and effective implementation of the Country Development Framework for 2006-2010 and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper.

The objective of the project regarding pilot oblasts wass to increase the momentum of CDP/PRSP (Comprehensive Development Framework/National Poverty Redaction Strategy) activities and to contribute to optimizing it as a 1) poverty reduction measurement instrument and 2) a regional development strategy.

At the central level, a special attention was paid to reinforcing CDF Secretariat and National Statistics Committee capacities to implement consistently CDF/PRSP monitoring and evaluation techniques and instruments.

For the support of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection a CDF working group was established within the Ministry to support to the training and retraining of unemployed and disadvantaged groups through the establishment of a Training Fund
Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided- To develop and contribute to implementing CDF/PRSP (Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper) monitoring and evaluation techniques and instruments;
- To reform Government and improve efficiency and transparency;
- To enable an environment which will incentivize the private sector, civil society and foreign investors toward national renewal, accountability and eradicate corruption;
- To reduce poverty and improve the livelihood of vulnerable members of society as the public administration develops, along with the market economy.

Project results:

- Increased capacity of the CDF Secretariat to monitor and evaluate progress towards achievement of CDF program goal and purposes;
- A CDF ‘policy resource unit’ that would service line ministries and other government agencies and would undertake training/awareness-raising on the analysis for policy-making and evaluation purposes of CDF/PRSP and M&E information;
- A participatory model for monitoring CDF/PRSP implementation by oblast and rayon levels state administrations as well as local self-governments (ayil-okmotus);