As part of the project "Improving the Quality of Hospital Care to Reduce Maternal, Newborn and Child deaths and Accelerate the pace of achieving the SDG Health Targets" the World Health Organization (WHO) initiated a study “Assessing the effectiveness of multilevel interventions and overcoming barriers to improve the quality of hospital care for mothers, newborns and children in Kyrgyzstan."
In September 2023, the expert team conducted the second round of assessment among 11 project and 10 control hospitals across the country.
The medical records of women hospitalized for childbirth, newborns, and children were examined for assessment indicators.
After analysys of collected data, the expert team was invited by WHO to a Six-month workshop on improving the quality of health care for mothers, newborns and children. This seminar was held from October 30 to November 1, 2023 with the participation of representatives of the project hospitals, the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic and WHO.