On December 20, in Teploklyuchenko and Kyzyl-Suu villages of Ak-Suu district and on December 21, in Tyup village of Tyup district, Issyk-Kul region, a solemn presentation of certificates and cans to farmers who have successfully passed the ten modular courses in agronomy, veterinary and animal husbandry was held within the framework of the Integrated Dairy Productivity Improvement Project. The Deputy Minister of Agriculture Amangeldi Isaev, Director of the Agribusiness Competitiveness Center Torokul Bekov and Director of CAIConsulting Kunnura Raiymbekova took part in the event. CAIConsulting acts as the main consulting agent in the consortium with the public fund "Tes Center", which conducted training for farmers within this project,
This project is financed by the World Bank and will train 6,000 farmers to support on-farm improvements in areas such as feed production and feeding management, livestock management, general management and organization; animal health, farm hygiene and pure milk production, breeding management, milk collection, cooling and processing. 3000 farmers of 6000 were trained in 2019.
The farmers have been continuously attending trainings for 9 months. Due to this, they were able to increase the level of knowledge and potential, which will further affect the productivity of their own households, their financial stability and improve the quality of life.
The second phase of the Integrated Dairy Productivity Improvement Project will be implemented in 2020. 3000 farmers from Tyup, Ak-Suu, Jeti-Oguz, Ton, Issy-Kul districts of Issyk-Kul region will be trained.