

01.06.2016 - 30.06.2017


Overall project value (EUR)USD 85 000
No. of staff provided
Name of ClientWorld Bank
Financing agencyFUNDED BY WB
Name of partners
Detailed Narrative Description of Project

The objective of this assignment is to review innovative institutional arrangements for the delivery of WASH services in Tajikistan to the bottom 40 percent of the household income distribution, assess their performance, draw lessons learned, and identify what should be done to scale up success cases. The objective is to be achieved by developing and reviewing existing innovative rural and small-town WASH schemes across Tajikistan that aim at reaching low-income households that are most WASH deprived. The focus will be on schemes that consist of decentralized delivery systems, but other innovative schemes can also be included.

Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided

The assessment will review the design of these schemes and look at their implementation and performance in terms of

(i) Quality of WASH service conditions (including continuity of service, water pressure, water quality, cleanliness of latrines, safe emptying of

latrines etc).

(ii) Affordability of initial connection costs as well as recurrent fees for different income groups

(iii) Legality in terms of legal ownership of the schemes and scheme components as well as responsibilities for maintenance and upgrading infrastructure

(iv) Cost recovery aspects regarding the investment as well as recurrent costs, and

(v) Level of consumer and community engagement in decision-making and ‘ownership’.

The resulting analysis will identify lessons learned, scope for rolling out the approach across the country, and institutional or regulatory constraints that need to be addressed before successful schemes can be scaled up.