
Provision of Energy Services to the Poor

01.11.2003 - 30.07.2004

Uzbekistan, Tajikistan

Overall project value (EUR)N/A
No. of staff provided2
Name of ClientWorld Bank (WB)
Financing agencyAsian Development Bank (ADB)
Name of partnersARCADIS (Netherlands)
Detailed Narrative Description of Project


Detailed Narrative Description of Services provided

Analysis of sustainable options for social protection for energy consumption by means of a participatory assessment (including discussions with focus groups and stakeholders and other relevant methods) and a household survey of energy and urban water consumption along with a follow up analysis that will assist the Governments of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in determining:
- The level of energy supply (considering multiple forms of energy where available, e.g., electricity, gas and thermal energy) which is needed to ensure a reasonable consumers’ comfort
- Ways of achieving and maintaining such a comfort level within a medium and long term framework for social protection, taking into account adequate coverage, targeting, predictability, pricing, affordability and administrative costs