CAIConsulting has started the data collection phase for the project “Baseline Study of the Local Community Support Project (LСSP) and Additional Funding for the Local Community Support Project CASA-1000” implemented by ARIS in Kyrgyzstan. The CAIConsulting team of experts conducted trainings for 45 interviewers in Osh, Jalal-Abad and Batken regions. Data collection is carried out through the CAPI system, the interviewers successfully apply in practice the knowledge gained in the framework of ToT.
Information about the project: CASA1000 in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic is an alternating current power line with a length of 450 km. The power transmission line impact corridor follows the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border and includes communities in 8 districts of Jalal-Abad, Osh and Batken oblasts. These communities are economically and socially vulnerable, have limited access to social infrastructure and services, and suffer from winter electricity shortages. However, the 500kV high voltage CASA1000 transmission line will not directly provide electricity to nearby communities.
The objective of the CASA-1000 Local Community Support Projects (LСSP), Additional funding for the Local Community Support Project (ARIS) and the Community Engagement and Social Accountability Project (CESA FAH) is to involve communities in the development of social and economic infrastructure to improve services, livelihoods and engagement in targeted areas close to the CASA1000 Power Line. The PPMS and CESA projects will be implemented in 77 villages of Jalal-Abad, Osh and Batken oblasts located in the transmission line impact corridor.
Additional funding for the Local Communities Support Project covers 151 Aiyl Aimaks (rural districts), which are not included in the impact corridor of power transmission lines in Jalal-Abad, Osh and Batken oblasts.