
On September 13, 2019, Arimzhan village of Nooken district of Jalal-Abad region hosted a "Field Day" dedicated to improved agricultural technologies of cotton cultivation.

  On September 13, 2019, Arimzhan village of Nooken district of Jalal-Abad region hosted a "Field Day" dedicated to improved agricultural technologies of cotton cultivation.

 The Field Day was organized by CAIConsulting as part of the «Project of Improvement of Agricultural Performance and Feeding» (PIAPF). The main participants of the Field Day were farmers-members of the pilot WUAs " Taimanku "(Nooken district) and WUAs" Obi-Khaet " (Bazar-Korgon district), growing large amounts of cotton. Farmers from two neighboring WUAs - "Sakaldy-Suu" and "Myrza-Suu", who also grow cotton, were invited to the event to exchange experience. Field day in the village of Arimzhan was attended by representatives of local governments of the participating villages, representatives of district WUA support departments, experts, consultants, specialists of the project and the media, a total of more than 60 people.


The main objective of the "Field Day" was to demonstrate the results of the application of improved agricultural technology of cotton cultivation in the fields of farmers who have passed theoretical and practical training organized by CAIConsulting in the framework of the «Project  Improvement of Agricultural Performance and Feeding», and applied fertilizer and cotton growth stimulant PEAKS. As a result of using these technologies, farmers managed to increase their yield of cotton, reduce the level of diseases and pests, and use water resources efficiently. Also the effect of the correct use of IPP (integrated plant protection)

“Field day” was also memorable for the demonstration of the effect of the correct use of IPP (integrated plant protection) and the presentation of organic means of cotton’s pest control.




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